How is the "Night Vision?
Our dash cam lens has the ability to capture video footage in extremely low light conditions. In addition, there are 6 infrared LED's to assist with no-light environments such as a pitch black roadway.
With its ability to capture a true 120' angle, surrounding headlights, streetlights, and ambient lighting source is more than sufficient to provide adequate light exposure to product clear video footage of proper vehicle control and pinpointing the cause of an accident at any given time you operate the vehicle.
How long does the camera keep recording?
All of our DVR's can be continuously ran for several days at a time. We have had clients run our units for over 30+ hours plugged in to the 12v adapter with no heat issues or memory issues. As the memory card fills up, the unit will automatically loop in a "First-in, First-out" method, erasing the earliest video to accommodate real-time immediately recordings as you continue to operate your vehicle. This feature is set from the factory and you do not need to change any settings.
Does the unit record in one large video file?
Absolutely not! Video segments can be selected to record in 2/5/15 minute clips. The clips are then placed in chronological order. When you extract the SD card, you will find that the recordings are split into year, month, date folders. As you pick select the date folder, it will be broken down into time segments for ease of access to pick which time frame the video recording is for playback.
How often do I need to erase the memory card so I dont run out of space?
You never have to. The first-in first-out feature is a key feature in differentiating a dash cam vs other video recording units such as a GoPro. Not only is it more cost-effective, but it allows the users to simply set up the unit, and the unit will automatically turn on, record, timestamp, and clear the memory on a day to day basis.
Why a "dedicated unit just for recording?" Why not a GoPro?
Many customers ask "why not a GoPro?" While the GoPro is great for capturing memorable moments, it requires recorded videos to be manually deleted. So if you're out on the road, constantly having to remember to turn on/off the unit, set it to record, and then dumping the recorded files every so often can be quite time consuming and frustrating. Also having a LCD screen to do instant playback is extremely important at the scene of the accident so the local PD makes note of the evidence immediately in the police report. Not to mention the cost between a dash cam VS a GoPro.
I understand you sell it with a 32gb card. How much recording can it actually hold before it starts to erase?
The 32GB Class 10 SDHC memory card holds nearly 10 hours of 720p HD video, We give the users the ability to purchase just the DVR if you have your own card. Just make sure it is at least a class 6 or higher speed rating. Anything less will slow the unit's writing capability onto the card, and lag the unit.